Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday night

Last day at the worksites, and the day started overcast with good chance of spit turning to rain. George and crew had breakfast (Italian Omelett) going well in hand by 6:30 and coffeee was done. Everyone set off and our crew actually beat our site crew by a few minutes. Most people got started working inside, and some of us started outside with the expectation that it would soon rain, and drive us indoors. Luckily we had got all the roof wood on and papered so rain would not seriously affect us. We got most everything we wanted to get done, done, and feedback from the other groups was similar, in that they all left some work for those who follow to finish. In every case we all felt that we had accomplished a lot, most of the groups got to have some contact with the family affected and some had developed a real relationship. In every case, the project managers, and the staff running the work areas really showed appreciation for all of othe work that was done. Friday is a day of goodbyes, and pictures, and we had reluctantly done one and thankfully done the other. Everyone was on their own for dinner, and all reports was that everyone returned full and satisfied. Our group went for piled high and deep, as a testament to large appetites from a hard days work.
After dinner we had a moving worship service, with communion, with the theme of hospitality. We shared stories of hospitality with each other, and demonstrated it with inviting others to be served by each other. We all also discovered that the Latin and Greek word for friendship did not relate to people or relationships at all, but rather meant "well used for the intended purpose" as in a level meets the criteria in making rafters straight, but later or even in that context could be applied to human relationships in that when we apply friendship torward each other, we meet the defenition as God had intended for us to be with each other.
Everyone got to bed early as a long day was ahead with many of us leaving by 6:00 am, meaning a very early morning.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for helping the folks in New Orleans. I know they are eternally grateful. Please pray for the state as it faces this terrible oil rig disaster.
